മെക്സിക്കോയിലെ ടബാസ്കോയില് നിന്ന് വര്ഷങ്ങള്ക്ക് മുമ്പ് ലഭിച്ച ശിലാഫലകത്തിലെ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തലുകള് പഠനവിധേയമാക്കിയതിനു ശേഷമാണ് 2012 നെ ആരും ഭയക്കേണ്ടതില്ല എന്ന് ഗ്രോണ്മെയര് പറയുന്നത്. 2012 ഡിസംബര് 21 ന് മയന് ദൈവമായ ബലോണ് യോക്തേ മടങ്ങിയെത്തുമെന്നാണ് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തലുകള് സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്. മയന് വിഭാഗത്തെ സംബന്ധിച്ചിടത്തോളം 13 എന്ന സംഖ്യ ശുഭസൂചകമാണെന്നും ശിലാഫലകത്തില് ലോകാവസാനത്തെ കുറിച്ച് യാതൊന്നും പറയുന്നില്ല എന്നും ഗ്രോണ്മെയര് വിശദീകരിക്കുന്നു.
ബാഹ്ലം അജോ എന്ന രാജാവിന്റെ പ്രവചനമായി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ശിലാഫലകത്തിന് 1300 വര്ഷം പഴക്കമുണ്ട്. സൃഷ്ടിയുടെയും യുദ്ധത്തിന്റെയും ദേവനാണ് ബലോണ് യോക്തേ. ദേവന്റെ മടക്കം ഒരു പുതുയുഗത്തിന് തുടക്കമാവുമെന്നാണത്രേ ഫലകത്തില് പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നത്
Understanding why this 3rd dimensional civilization is but an illusion requires a bit of imagination, a commodity sometimes rare these days as a number of otherwise very capable minds have been tightly squeezed of its most precious asset due to the demands of the status quo, and those soon to be replaced keepers of.
We exist within a mere illusion due to the very nature of our existence here, a nature that exists nowhere else but a 3rd dimensional world, and there are very many higher dimensions and worlds seated upon them. Think of our experience here as summer camp, a different kind of summer camp where instead of learning to shoot a bow and arrow or to swim in the chilly morning lake we learn what it is like to experience dual points or polar opposites of everything we encounter throughout our day. Everything here on Earth has a dual point or polar opposite, everything. Happiness and sadness, poverty and abundance, war and peace, life and death, are all fine examples of our curriculum here, but one shining example of duality sharpens the point exceptionally well, and is actually the only example of duality you need ever know; love and fear. That is the nature of our assignment, or one aspect of our assignment anyway, as the human species is quite gifted at serious multitasking.
In reality, real-ity, there exists only two emotions in this entire universe; love and fear. For what is not of love is certainly born of fear. Of these two emotions, one is real, the other illusion. Our entire universe was created in one breath, one emotion, one thought, and that thought was love. All is love. Love is all and everything that is. Love is the constant, the forever, the eternal. We were created of love, we exist in love, we are love; nothing more, nothing less. But here in this 3rd dimensional world we have something else; a slowly vibrating, negative and debilitating emotion known as fear. So I ask you; if only love is real, and we exist, (for the summer anyway), in a world where there exists love AND fear, is what we are experiencing real? Or are we just living within the illusion? Until we speak again, live above the illusion! Greg
Mass media, who have yet to mention once the word ascension as it relates to the choice that is every human’s divine right that can be exercised on or before December 21st, of 2012, have of course jumped all over the story regarding May 21st as the end of the world, and now continue to peddle their pitiful propaganda by covering 89 year old Colorado Minister Harold camping’s latest update that maybe October 21st 2011 is the end of the world. This attempt to further sway public sentiment in regards to 2012 all started when Camping read a Bible passage and interpreted the meaning as prophesy that May 21st is judgment day. No word yet how and why mass media have taken it upon themselves to assume judgment day and the end of the world are at all related, but I guess little details like that don’t interest the Associated Press or Reuters. Red flags may also be hoisted when one attempts to figure out how an 89 year old small town minister found such easy passage to headlines and lead stories on the biggest news networks worldwide. One never knows, however, if Harold did not indeed interpret at least some of the passage correctly. Perhaps a karma reading had been scheduled for May 21st. I know I pay my karma bill regularly; somebody has to be keeping score somewhere.
In truth, May 21st marks yet another embarrassing and desperate attempt by the disturbed puppet masters to incite public apathy in regards to December of 2012. At the end the day, a new weapon of propaganda was created by the elitist controllers who will dust this silly story off again and again as we approach December of 2012, as evidenced by another headline news story that Camping has now changed his interpretation to October 21st.
Today is a good day to clarify for those who are unclear about December 2012 and ascension and what it means, or doesn't mean, to them personally.
Ascension is not an EVENT. Ascension is a PROCESS that has already been underway for some time and will CULMINATE on December the 21st of 2012. In other words, the window that is now open will close on December the 21st 2012. It may or may not open again anytime soon for the few who are today so very close to raising their personal frequency adequately for ascension. The big obstacle for those who are on the cusp is that all those who are here today doing their best to share what we are experiencing will be gone after December the 21st 2012. Without those voices, where will be the beacons of light to act as wayshowers for those who will wish to ascend but are yet fuzzy on the matter? This is the reason why those who today understand the incredible opportunity ascension is work so hard to leave a written record of what we are experiencing as our personal frequency accelerates and our lightbodies activate. If you think this a fairytale, then the elitist propaganda whitewash is paying off for those who wish to keep as many here in their control as possible. You see, for what is it worth to be King if you have no subjects to support your reign?
Do not ignore the foolish attempt today by those who consider themselves your rulers, instead file away what you see in the media as a reminder that there are forces that are attempting to con you in order to control you. Every day that passes by without the media mentioning the word ascension should be a red flag to you that something is wrong. If you feel the media does not mention ascension because they do not believe it to be true, then you must ask yourself; ‘Why did every media outlet in the world not only cover Harold’s May 21st prediction’, but lead with the story on the major news networks?’
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